Joined: July 5, 2020
Posts: 12
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:45 am Post subject: Tanya 25 year old, Newport 100s smoker |
I am totaly new to this forum, but I like to tell you a little bit about myself.
My name is Tanya, I live in europe, the Netherlands. I am 25 years old and
I started to smoke when I was 'young' Totaly secretly ofcourse !
Because my whole family where all smokers, it wasn't difficult for me to
get my hands on cigarettes.
From my first cigarette I smoked I liked IT, for me smoking has been allways
something special. I am shure you all know what that means.
When I was 20 I met my boyfriend, and it turned out that we both loved to smoke, more then the averige people did. lollllll
It didn't took us verry long to introduce smoking onto our S-live.
I love to tease my friend with my smoking style(s) and until today I seems to be very good at IT (winkkkk)
A few years ago I met a couple online and they conviced me about smoking menthols. One time they sended me a few packs of Newport 100s, and my goodness I was hooked to them instandly. Since then we smoked those lovely strong Newport 100s too. For many years I sended them money and she sended me a few cartons of Newports. The menthol and nicotine rush of those Newports are absolute great.
So hopefully I get some response, and hints and tips about smoking
Joined: March 22, 2010
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:09 pm Post subject: Goals to become very heavy smoker finall coming to fruition! |
I'm feeling so good in every way possible, and want to share my accomplishment with this passionate community of smokers!
Ever since I was quite young I always knew I wanted to be a smoker, but I never had any notion of just how much I would absolutely come to love smoking cigarettes, and love watching beautiful women smoke, like the beautiful, determined, committed, sexy goddesses they've made themselves into. It is beyond a doubt the most attractive and desirable thing I could imagine. The sight of a woman smoking, the smell of complete sexiness in her hair and clothes, the delicious tastes of her smokey lips and mouth, all bring me to the point of quivering with insatiable ----ful desire. At first, smoking was just about being accepted by beautiful smoking women. But as I found great difficulty in starting and increasing to a level of nicotine addiction enough to make me able to be a confident smoker, I grew this need to feel addiction. I admired and respected their strength, will of determination, and rebellious image they had created. So this need grew so strong that I became completely dead set on feeling this addiction, and as much as possible, to feel what they feel. Making myself a life where all aspects of it allowed smoking, wherever and whenever, so nothing could stop me from increasing this feeling and achieving this extraordinary goal and desire.
I'll never ever regret starting with strong, delicious, extremely addictive Newport menthol cigarettes to lay the bedrock of a strong need for nicotine for a lifetime to come. Another thing that helped was, after smoking my pack a day of Newport menthol box for about 9 years, this beautiful chain-smoking hottie gave me my 1st Newport 100 and explained to me that "Newport 100s aren't just for girls! They're for anyone that needs something a lil stronger with extra addictive menthol and enough tar to pave a parking lot, and I really haven't found a stronger or more addictive cigarette out there. So prepare for a strong lifelong addiction that hardly no one can ever quit if you start these on the regular! I've never seen a Newport 100 smoker that could ever quit if they wanted to, ha ha ha!" This was the best news I could've ever wanted to hear. I instantly became unimaginably aroused and legitimately instantly came in my pants with no hands or touching of any sort. From this day forth I've smoked only my favorite, the strongest Newport 100's menthol and have been happy to be at least at 2ppd for over 15 years, but I knew somehow this is light smoking and I wanted to figure out how to increase, and as much as possible! To feel the strongest desire and pleasure imaginable. So one day my strong addiction will encourage my smoking goddess to achieve such bliss in smoking very heavily, with me and really for me.
I'm so absolutely feeling fantastic and completely pleased with my amazing progress this year, finally increasing my smoking and intense desire to smoke so much more than ever!! Someday I'll have my smoking goddess to pamper, respect, spoil, love and enjoy a smoke filled, pleasure filled life in complete addiction of smoking constantly and my loyalty, and commitment are as strong as the love in my heart, and ever growing! I was always dead set on being a heavy smoker and encouraging beautiful women to smoke heavy. My New years resolution for 2023 was to enjoy life more and embrace my love of smoking! Up till then I never could smoke much more than 2ppd. That day I set my smoking record, 117 cigarettes in a 24 hour period! My nicotine levels were permanently set so high that every cigarette is needed with more intensity than I could've ever imagined! My drags have gotten harder, longer, more frequent, and often must be double or triple for an inhale I must hold until almost all the smoke sticks in my lungs and I breath out hardly any smoke. I feel such a strong need to smoke that I'm often chainsmoking as soon as I'm finishing one. This strong urge and then lighting up is incredibly pleasurable for me. Even more pleasurable than even those wonderful badly needed cigarettes that were so needed after hours of not being able smoke one! I've been constantly smoking around 3-4 ppd, 60-80 all this year and no plans or ability on slowing down. But with my commitment and drive to smoke more, some encouragement and thought training from a trained hypnotist who is a complete goddess of a woman, who agreed to give me to an addiction like no other, more powerful than any normal smoker could ever fathom! To be able to think of nothing but smoking another cigarette and to need it so extremely badly without even being finished the one being smoked presently. But the incredible reward for all this is everytime my body receives any increase in nicotine my dopamine and serotonin levels flood my body, giving me almost ------ic like shutters of pleasure which will intensify more and more with every single cigarette I light up, which certainly will ensure a completely unbreakable addiction to smoking that can never be reversed! And she also reprogrammed my brain to realize the smell and taste of cigarette smoke to be my favorite flavor of all time. And this nifty cigarette counter app I've recently downloaded is such a great tool for tracking my progress. Seeing my numbers rising really excites me and only makes me want to smoke even more. I've become so absolutely incredibly happily addicted, and love how intense the cravings are I'm pleased to say this is a level of addiction I could have only dreamed possible and I know it'll be impossible to ever quit. I'm becoming the heaviest chain smoker you'll ever meet. Seriously didn't know I could get this level of pleasure from every cigarette through the day. I try to only go places where I can smoke. I'm always smoking everywhere all the time, and if I go into a store for even 6 mins I practically find myself lighting up before I'm even a whole step out the door. I've become a professional at smoking in the shower, love smoking while eating, and I can't even sleep more than about an hour without waking to chain-smoke up a storm, sometimes even while sleeping, which feels so incredible. I feel completely wonderful and pleased with myself and still smoking the strongest and most addictive delicious cigarettes, my beloved Newport menthol 100s and I set a personal record of 126, I over 6 packs on the 27th! And I actually broke that record again yesterday, 127!!! Only thing better would be if I had my smoking queen that wants to be, loved, appreciated, cherished, and wanted and needed and put on a pedestal. I need to see that she will always have plenty of her favorite cigarettes and never fear running out so she can chainsmoke whenever she wants to. And with just my tender smile and caring personality, and just seeing me constantly enjoying chain smoking these wonderful cigarettes all day everyday, I'm hoping she won't mind finding herself smoking more and more each and every day. My complete addiction has me literally chain smoking every waking moment and I'm never ever going to be able to slow down or quit. Even with plans to be awake another couple hours, today I felt such a strong need to smoke more and more I've already beaten my previous records and have smoked an astounding 143 Newport menthol 100's today. What a wonderful and successful addiction! Never thought smoking over 7 packs in a day was possible. Well it is, and feels like a good level to sustain from here on out!
And that's how after smoking every single day for 27 years I finally gained the complete and utter dependance and became the heaviest smoker I've ever met.
Smoking will always be my most fondest activity and most loved memory and has made my life so much better in so many ways. I love smoking cigarettes! And so thankful for the emense pleasure this habit has brought me for the better part of my whole life!